
NCC found the path to success on LinkedIn

Challenge and problem statement

How do you measure digital communication? And what effect does it have on the brand? Questions like these are something we get on a daily basis at Demoskop, and it was based on this that NCC and Demoskop came into contact. NCC wanted to measure its brand in digital channels in order to understand how the brand is experienced in different digital channels in order to increase the attractiveness among customers, employees, potential employees and stakeholders.

How we solved it

NCC and Demoskop started a collaboration because NCC made a big digital investment a few years ago. NCC rebuilt and became more active in the social media channels. An important part of this investment was also the launch of NCC’s blog, The purpose of the blog was to reinforce softer values, among other things, NCC wanted to show more of the qualities of being innovative, responsive, customer-oriented, solution-oriented, caring and inspiring. The soft values were conveyed through various blog posts under four main themes:

  • sustainability
  • forward thinking
  • digitization
  • attractive employer

Based on this, Demoskop conducted an extensive survey to evaluate the results.

– We did a web survey on as well as on, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, says Erik Bergling, Senior Consultant at Demoskop. We also analyzed how people talked about NCC in social media, and studied traffic and visitor behavior on By measuring and studying all parts of NCC’s digital communication, we were able to analyze whether and how the digital work has affected people’s perception of the brand. The results spoke volumes. A large majority of those who took part in the communication in the various channels had a positive overall impression of NCC. Everyone who took part in the communication via NCC’s blog or LinkedIn felt that NCC works with sustainable and innovative solutions, has good digital services and saw NCC as an attractive, future employer. An important conclusion was that there were clear differences regarding the perception of NCC depending on which channel one was exposed to. Which reinforces the importance of having different strategies for different channels, something that NCC has consistently worked with. One example is the success it has had on LinkedIn.

This was the result

– NCC now has 178,000 followers on LinkedIn, a goal NCC has been working towards for a long time, says Ingela Jerat who is Head of Digital at NCC. – I don’t believe in lumping social media together as one channel, but in having goals, target group and content strategy for each channel. The survey we did together with Demoskop gave us a greater understanding of how NCC is experienced in the various channels and what we should develop even more At NCC, thanks to the collaboration with Demoskop, we have had a clear strategy for how we work with LinkedIn, the communication channel has been important to us as we are in great need of hiring new employees. It is therefore gratifying that so many are interested in our company, want to see what we do in our industry and that we have now reached 178,000 followers.

NCC is on LinkedIn to build our brand as an employer and to show what we do to attract new employees – but also to show new services within our offer. We also build internal pride in what we do through our network on LinkedIn. Many employees follow our channel and share our posts. LinkedIn has also become the channel where all countries and business areas come together and collaborate in an exemplary way. If in other channels you have slightly different opinions about the channel’s ability, target group or strength, LinkedIn has brought us together in terms of communication. Every month we publish between 50-80 posts to different target groups in different countries. In the beginning we had activity targets, but we no longer need that – all countries and business areas provide us with good content. Good content is the key – it’s something that we work on all the time and that makes us interesting to follow and thus continues to grow.”

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